Article: Soltani-LeClercq proposes shrouding Notre-Dame in a veil
Tom Ravenscroft/Dezeen, July10, 2019
Tom Ravenscroft/Dezeen, July10, 2019

Article: The best idea for Notre-Dame has nothing to do with the spire
Jesus Diaz/ Fast Company, July 2019
Jesus Diaz/ Fast Company, July 2019

Article: Soltani+LeClercq showcases the restoration of Notre-Dame behind a diaphanous veil
Designboom, July 2019
Designboom, July 2019

Article: Une idée d'échafaudage originale autour de la cathédrale Notre dame de Paris par Soltani+ LeClercq
Claire Deschamps/ DesignMag, August 2019
Claire Deschamps/ DesignMag, August 2019

Article: Un architetto e un artista vorrebbero un velo sui l'avori di restauro di notre dame
Yasmin Riyahi/EXIBART, August 2019
Yasmin Riyahi/EXIBART, August 2019

Article: Odbudowa Notre Dame. Rusztowania, jak tarasy widokowe
MAD White magazine, August 2019
MAD White magazine, August 2019

Feature: wushejia.com

Publication: "Towards a (Perpetual) Construction", PROJECT Journal for Architecture, Issue 6- Spring 2017

"Bridging Miles Over The BIM Server, Soltani+leClercq"
Mary Moscarello/ GRAPHISOFT, July 29, 2014
Mary Moscarello/ GRAPHISOFT, July 29, 2014